25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Neomem® Xac | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2025

Neomem® Xac

Neomem® Xac is a resorbable amnion chorion Allograft Membrane.

Neomem® Xac is an amnion-chorion membrane composed of an amnion layer and a chorion layer and together they provide a protective barrier that makes it ideal for multiple dental applications. It is minimally manipulated to preserve the placental allograft’s properties of being composed of immunoprivileged tissues¹ that possess antibacterial properties and provide a protein enriched matrix.² Neomem® Xac is disinfected, cleaned, dehydrated and sterilized after recovery from cesarean section procedures.
Autoroute Jean-Noel-Lavoie 285 - 4455
Laval ,QC H7P 4W6
Hall 2.2 | B048