PAROJECT® is a sturdy and compact syringe for intraligamental local anaesthesia. It has a small metered dose and allows you to deliver the anesthetic slowly and gently for patient comfort. No numb cheek, tongue or lip after the treatment, which is much appreciated by patients.
It is a very durable syringe of unique quality. Covered by a 5-year warranty.
Website: https://ronvig.com/en/vare/paroject/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzaVTkk_yl4
It is a very durable syringe of unique quality. Covered by a 5-year warranty.
Website: https://ronvig.com/en/vare/paroject/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzaVTkk_yl4

Finvids väg 8
194 27 Upplands Väsby
194 27 Upplands Väsby
Hall 10.2 | L068 M069