25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Chewing Simulation | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

Chewing Simulation

The SD Mechatronik Chewing simulation provides a method for fatigue testing of restorative material. It can be used for crowns, bridges, 3D-printed materials and other applications like splints.

Our services:

- Short testing time as 24 specimens can be tested at the same time

- Results help proving claims for MDR/FDA certifications (e.g. long-term indication, 5 & 10 year study)

- Method is justified by many scientific articles

- Additionally testing (e.g. fracture load) and analysis (e.g. abrasion) is possible
Fritz-Krause-Str. 8
83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham
Hall 11.3 | K018