25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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ONE TIME Clever Concept | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

ONE TIME Clever Concept

In most implant placement procedures, it is conventional to use a healing abutment for the healing phase. Once completed, the healing abutment is removed to allow placement of the final abutment. Unfortunately, a gingival attachment often forms on the healing abutment which is torn away upon removal. This can scar the tissue and hinder the healing of the same tissue around the final abutment.

The ONE TIME concept addresses this problem by not requiring the removal of the healing element. The healing abutment instead of being removed, simply converts itself into the base of the abutment after the healing process has been completed. The initial gingival seal created with the healing abutment is maintained. 

The surgery is simplified by top-down planning. The measurement of the gingival thickness is made and depending on this, the choice of one of the 2 gingival sleeves is taken. The drilling of the osteotomy is consequently done from the top of the gingiva.

The prosthetic procedure is simplified. The traditional impression transfer component eliminated. The healing abutment is never removed and the transfer is taken with a cap from the top of the healing sleeve.
Via Cesare Battisti 2
40123 BOLOGNA (BO)
Hall 4.1 | B009