25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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iCAMHD | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023


iCAMHD is an imes-icore and FOLLOW-ME! Cooperation.

In addition to the top-class imes-icore hardware and software range, the iCAMHD product line now provides customers with an add-on hyperDENT based software solution that enables the efficient and economical manufacture of dental restorations in a set-up perfectly coordinated with the imes-icore machines.

iCAMHD as purchase or rental software (Subscription Model)

iCAMHD is available as a purchase or rental version (subscription model). By renting the software on an annual basis, customers always remain up to date with the latest developments and can also purchase the machine software bundle from imes-icore at an extremely attractive price.

To get a first impression, iCAMHD can be tested for three months free of charge in the subscription model. During this time, you can work productively before making a decision about whether to place an order. If you decide to purchase the iCAMHD software during the trial period or at a later point in time, you can easily switch from the subscription model to a purchased license.
Regerstr. 27
81541 München
Hall 3.1 | K028 L029