25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Medinhouse | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023


In-house solutions for both dental lab and dental clinic, Medinhouse® is a brand that guarantees innovation of the digital integration of dental treatments, with reliable solutions and guaranteed processes with validated strategies.

Combining perfectly the advantages of CAD / CAM technologies to achieve the best results in precision, fit and aesthetics.

Medinhouse solutions include all the steps: CAD with Medit 3D scanning and exocad CAD software; a wide range of first-rate aesthetic materials validated for our workflows (Anaxdent, Dentsply and Luxen Zirconia, Mazic Duro, Biostar Titanium and Cobalt-Chrome); ETEC high-speed, high-production desktop 3D printers; imes-icore milling centers; Nabertherm fournaces and components
Avgda Pessebre 76-82
AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
Hall 4.1 | B080 C081