25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Cervitec Gel | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

Cervitec Gel

The oral care gel with xylitol, provitamin D panthenol, chlorhexidine and fluoride

The optimized care formula of Cervitec Gel protects the teeth, gums, peri-implant tissue and mucous membrane with even more efficiency. It helps to prevent caries and inflammation and it freshens breath. Cervitec Gel can be applied in-office or at home and it enhances the effect of the professional treatment with the protective varnishes Cervitec F or Cervitec Plus.
Dr.-Adolf-Schneider-Str. 2
73479 Ellwangen
Hall 11.3 | A010 C019
Hall 11.3 | A011
Hall 11.3 | A020 C029