25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Programat P710 G2 & P510 G2 & P310 G2 | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

Programat P710 G2 & P510 G2 & P310 G2

The Programat ceramic furnaces

Your smart specialist for high-quality firing results

Modern. Intuitive. Smart. With the objective to meet the requirements of your dental laboratory. Proven technologies, such as the infrared technology, combined with new features – that is what makes the new Programat ceramic furnace your reliable specialist.

High process reliability due to infrared technology (IRT): The integrated thermographic camera is sensitive to infrared radiation and measures the temperature directly at the surface of the objects being fired. The furnace head and the heater are controlled with the infrared camera to ensure that the predefined pre-drying temperature is consistently maintained on the objects in the furnace.
Dr.-Adolf-Schneider-Str. 2
73479 Ellwangen
Hall 11.3 | A010 C019
Hall 11.3 | A011
Hall 11.3 | A020 C029