25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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P53 DC- Dry milling machine with 12x changer from UP3D | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

P53 DC- Dry milling machine with 12x changer from UP3D

You can have the new, fully automated P53-DC 5-axis dry milling machine from Up3D working independently for you around the clock. Compared to conventional workflows, the new system offers you more flexibility and efficiency with consistently stable quality.

For your 24 h production, the P53 from UP3D is now available as P53-DC with a 12-speed changer. With a speed of 40,000 - 60,000 rpm and a feed rate of up to 3,000 mm/min, you can mill dental restorations from various "soft" materials with high precision and in record time.


Automatic calibration Automatic calibration with just a single click ensures that the milling machine operates continuously in high-precision milling mode.

LED light progress indicator With just one glance at the illuminated LED milling progress indicator, you can see the status of your machine.

Tool life display Your P53 DC is capable of calculating the life of tools
automatically, plan their life cycle wisely and reduce the risk of milling failures in a calculated way.

Resume mode Automatically resumes the milling operation from the last interrupted step to avoid repetitions and increase work efficiency by up to 80%.
Ruwersteig 43
12681 Berlin
Hall 10.2 | S028