25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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MEDIT i700 Intraoralscanner | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

MEDIT i700 Intraoralscanner

Unleash the potential of your practice. 20 years of technical know-how and digital scanning core competence - far beyond the boundaries of dental applications - are concentrated for you in the most advanced intraoral scanner ever: the Medit i700 for maximum freedom. The perfect symbiosis of a completely rethought scanning strategy and perfectly designed hardware makes the i700 the key to unlocking the full potential of your practice.
Unlike most scanners on the market, the Medit i700 connects directly to your powerful notebook computer with just the detachable connector cable - no additional power hub or power cable required. Improve your mobility with this latest feature.
Ruwersteig 43
12681 Berlin
Hall 10.2 | S028