25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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ITero Element 2 Intraoralscanner | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

ITero Element 2 Intraoralscanner

Imagine a more efficient practice. Together, we can make your workflows more attractive. Whether it's restorative and orthodontic workflows, optimized Invisalign connectivity or integrated chair-side milling, make your treatment appointments more efficient with faster processing, clearer imaging and digital workflow with the iTero Element 2. Show your patients their new smile while still in the chair and make it easier for them to decide on treatment.

Ideal: The iTero Element automatically detects the start and end point during the scanning process, so that the scanning process remains continuously in flow. For you, this means never clicking again to capture a scan.
Ruwersteig 43
12681 Berlin
Hall 10.2 | S028