25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Organical Desktop 7N - Dental milling machine | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

Organical Desktop 7N - Dental milling machine

Milling and grinding around the clock
The Organical Desktop 7N The 7N is a particularly versatile dental milling machine. It has five simultaneous axes, features a blank changer for eight blanks and is designed for both dry and wet processing. With the optional wet grinding module, you can also grind all common types of glass ceramic.

Plus efficiency and convenience
With the three integrated ionizers, users of the 7N significantly reduce their cleaning effort, as these neutralize the static charge of plastic chips such as those of PMMA to the greatest possible extent. This is supported by air nozzles that distribute the ionized air in the working area.
Ruwersteig 43
12681 Berlin
Hall 10.2 | S028