25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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ContacEZ Restorative Strip System | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

ContacEZ Restorative Strip System

ContacEZ Restorative Strip System is an innovative, precision dental strip system that achieves good proximal contact adjustment and complete marginal seating of crowns, veneers, inlays/onlays, and proximal contouring of composite fillings accurately with minimum time and effort. The flexible strips conform to natural contours of the teeth to avoid creating sharp corners.
The Restorative Strip System offers you an easy effective way to finish a crown seating, breaking the process down into three simple steps: Adjust, Clean, and Polish.
Finvids väg 8
194 27 Upplands Väsby
Hall 10.1 | G088 H089