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SURGISPON - Absorbable Gelatin Haemostat/Hemostat Sponge | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2025

SURGISPON - Absorbable Gelatin Haemostat/Hemostat Sponge

SURGISPON® Absorbable Hemostat Gelatin Sponge

SURGISPON® adheres to the bleeding site and absorbs approximately 45 times of its own weight of blood. It has a porous structure which activates the thrombocytes at the moment blood comes in contact with the matrix of the sponge. This causes the thrombocytes to release a series of substances which promote their aggregation at the same time as their surfaces change character, thus enabling them to act as a catalyst for the formation of the fibrin, which stops the bleeding. When implanted in the tissues, it is absorbed within 3-4 weeks.

Key Benefits
SURGISPON® fulfils the surgical need for haemostasis with simple efficiency:

-Saves Valuable time for surgeons
-Reduces post operative time and fastens recovery time for the patient
-Gamma Sterile and ready to use
-Secure and speedy haemostasis
-Significantly reduces blood loss
-Easy to cut according to need
-Absorbs 40-50 times its own weight of water/oxalate blood
-No reported side effects
-Does not interfere with tissue healing
-Leaves no residue and encapsulation
-Extremely Cost effective

SURGISPON® Anal Tampon


SURGISPON® Haemostat Dry Powder

SURGISPON® Absorbable Haemostatic Gelatin Sponge for ENT surgeries

SURGISPON® Cardiovascular Patch

Gelatin-thrombin combinations are very helpful in achieving hemostasis It is particularly useful in neurosurgical applications near the spine, in liver surgery where there is raw liver surface bleeding, and in vascular surgery where needle holes in PTFE grafts continue to ooze.

SURGISPON® is also used as a vehicle for other drugs / antibiotics such as penicillin.

Application Areas:

As a Haemostatic In Abdominal Surgery, Anorectal Surgery, Dental Surgery, ENT Surgery, Urinary Surgery, Gynaecological Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Neurosurgery Operations, Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery.
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